Ferti•Lome – A Solution for Every Part of Your Garden
Warner’s Nursery is proud to feature Ferti•Lome Broad Spectrum Landscape & Garden Fungicide, which can be used to protect your fruits, vegetables, shrubs, trees & ornamentals from a wide array of plant diseases. Ferti•Lome products are sold exclusively through independent dealers like Warner’s Nursery.
You can use Ferti•Lome broad spectrum fungicide for:
- Flowering plants and bulbs from A (African Violets) to Z (Zinnias)
- Garden Fruits & Vegetables – including beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, celery, sweet corn, cucumbers, melons, onions and garlic, leeks, shallots, parsnips, potatoes, squash, pumpkins and tomatoes.
- Fruit and nut trees, foliage plants, broadleaf shrubs and trees and more.
(See label for complete list)
Plant diseases controlled on listed vegetables, flowers, fruits and ornamentals include but are not limited to: Anthracnose, Leaf Blights, Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew, Leaf Curl, Scab, Black Spot, Fusarium Leaf Spot, and many more.
It is also easy to use:
- For listed vegetable & ornamental diseases spray until the point of runoff and repeat at 7-14 day intervals.
- For fruit diseases apply full coverage until the point of runoff to thoroughly cover tree canopy including undersides of leaves.
Please read and follow all label directions.
Available at Warner’s Nursery