- Warner Companies, Inc.
- 12 Days of Christmas Sale
- Dottie’s Garden Coffee Shoppe
- Ferti-Lome Lawn Food Plus Iron
- Ferti-lome Weed Free Zone
- Ferti-lome Weed-Out
- Ferti-Lome Winterizer
- Ferti-Lome: Blooming & Rooting Plant Food
- Ferti-Lome: Broad Spectrum Fungicide
- Ferti-Lome: Hi-Yield Weed & Feed
- Ferti-Lome: Hose-End Liquid Systemic Fungicide
- Ferti-Lome: Natural Guard Copper Soap Fungicide
- Ferti-Lome: Natural Guard Diatomaceous Earth
- Ferti-Lome: Natural Guard Humic
- Ferti-Lome: Natural Guard Organic Rose & Flower Food
- Ferti-Lome: Natural Guard RTS Horticultural Oil
- Ferti-Lome: Natural Guard Soil Activator
- Ferti-Lome: Natural Guard Spinosad RTS
- Ferti-Lome: Natural Guard Spinosad RTU
- Ferti-Lome: Root Stimulator & Plant Starter Solution
- Ferti-Lome: Tree & Shrub Food
- Ferti-lome: Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench
- Ferti-Lome: Triple Action Plus Spray
- Fertilome, Hi-Yield & Natural Guard Products
- Fertiā¢Lome ā Bone & Blood Meal
- Fertiā¢Lome ā Systemic Insect Granules
- Fertiā¢Lome: Hi-Yield Bone Meal
- Fertiā¢Lome: Hi-Yield Bone Meal & Dutch Bulb Food
- Houseplants!
- Indoor Plant Sale!
- Monrovia
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- Warner’s Nursery Hiring Draft – March 1, 2025
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- Warner’s Root Camp 2025
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- Nursery
- Events
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- Houseplants
- Houseplant of the Week: Zebra Plant
- Houseplant of the Week: Lemon Button Fern
- Houseplant of the Week: Hen & Chicks
- Houseplant of the Week: Christmas Cactus
- Houseplant of the Week: Rosemary Cone
- Houseplant of the Week: Lemon Cypress Cone
- Houseplant of the Week: Norfolk Pines
- Houseplant of the Week: Cyclamen
- Houseplant of the Week: Butterwort
- Houseplant of the Week: Snow Bush Plant
- Houseplant of the Week: Chinese Money Plant
- Ficus Tineke
- Saxifraga Stolinfera āTricolorā
- Houseplant of the Week: Lucky Bamboo
- Houseplant of the Week: Staghorn Ferns
- The Neanthe Bella or Parlor Palm
- Seersucker Plant
- Monstera Thai Constellation
- Houseplant of the Week: Grafted Cactus
- Houseplant of the Week: Lithops
- Houseplant of the Week: Desert Rose
- Houseplant of the Week: Baby Rubber Plant
- Houseplant of the Week: Heart Fern
- Houseplant of the Week: Alocasia African Mask
- Dracaena 'Lemon Lime'
- Rattlesnake Plant
- Houseplant of the Week: The Moth Orchid
- Philodendron 'Ring of Fire'
- Dracaena Sanderiana Gold
- Houseplant of the Week: Peperomia 'Ginny'
- Houseplant of the Week: Club Moss
- Houseplant of the Week: Sunny Star Croton
- Houseplant of the Week: Algerian Ivy
- Houseplant of the Week: Calathea concinna 'Freddie'
- Houseplant of the Week: Spider Plant
- Houseplant of the Week: Spring Cactus
- Rex Begonia
- Houseplant of the Week: Pink Panther
- Houseplant of the Week: Philodendron Moonlight
- Houseplant of the Week: Anthurium 'Zizou'
- Houseplant of the Week: The Money Tree
- Houseplant of the Week: Jasmine
- Houseplant of the Week: Firestick Cactus
- Houseplant of the Week: Philodendron Micans
- Houseplant of the Week: Princess Philodendron
- Houseplant of the Week: Dracaena Kiwi
- Houseplant of the Week: Schefflera
- Houseplant of the Week: Coleus
- Houseplant of the Week: Echeveria
- Houseplant of the Week: Dieffenbachia
- Houseplant of the Week: Philodendron 'Atom'
- Houseplant of the Week: Syngonium āMaria Allusionā
- Houseplant of the Week: Rabbit's Foot Fern
- Neon Pothos
- Houseplant of the Week: Kalanchoe
- Houseplant of the Week: Aloe Vera Plant
- The Peace Lily
- Houseplant of the Week: Peperomia 'Owl Eyes'
- Houseplant of the Week: Piggyback Plant
- Houseplant of the Week: Ligustrum Bonsai
- Houseplant of the Week: Goldfish Plant
- Houseplant of the Week: Neon Philodendron
- Houseplant of the Week: Ficus Trangularis
- Houseplant of the Week: Geogenanthus ciliatrius
- Houseplant of the Week: European Cypress
- Houseplant of the Week: Oxalis or 'Shamrock' Plant
- Houseplant of the Week: Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen)
- Houseplant of the Week: Poinsettias
- Houseplant of the Week: Watermelon Vine
- Houseplant of the Week: Monstera Deliciosa
- Houseplant of the Week: Ivy
- Houseplant of the Week: Fiddle Leaf Fig
- Houseplant of the Week: Ficus Benjamina
- Houseplant of the Week: Alocasias
- Houseplant of the Week: Nepenthes, the 'Monkey Cup' plant
- Houseplant of the Week: Asparagus Fern
- Houseplant of the Week: Bromeliad
- Houseplant of the Week: Dwarf Japanese Juniper
- Houseplant of the Week: Angel Wing Begonia
- Houseplant of the Week: Grape Ivy
- Houseplants of the Week: Terrarium Plants
- Houseplant of the Week: Cacti
- Houseplant of the Week: Caladium
- Houseplant of the Week: Ficus Audrey
- Pothos
- Houseplant of the Week: African Violets
- Houseplant of the Week: Devil's Backbone
- Houseplant of the Week: Watermelon Peperomia
- Houseplant of the Week: ZZ, the Eternity Plant
- Monstera Peru
- Houseplant of the Week: Sansevieria
- Philodendron 'Birkin'
- Houseplant of the Week: Aralia
- Houseplant of the Week: Blue Star Fern
- Houseplant of the Week: Prayer Plant
- Houseplant of the Week: 'Whale Fin' Sansevieria
- Houseplant of the Week: Xanadu Philodendron
- Houseplant of the Week: Hoya
- Houseplant of the Week: The Black Raven ZZ Plant
- Houseplant of the Week: Ric Rac Cactus
- Houseplant of the Week: Tradescantia
- Houseplant of the Week: Arrowhead Plants
- Houseplant of the Week: Air Plants
- Houseplant of the Week: The Croton
- Houseplant of the Week: Rhaphidophora tetrasperma
- Houseplant of the Week: Maidenhair Ferns
- Houseplant of the Week: Paperwhites
- Houseplant of the Week: Peperomia
- Houseplant of the Week: Anthurium
- Houseplant of the Week: Crown of Thorns
- Houseplant of the Week: Dracaena
- Houseplant of the Week: Philodendron
- Houseplant of the Week: Ferns!
- Houseplant of the Week: Ponytail Palm
- Houseplant of the Week: Rubber Tree
- Houseplant of the Week: Gardenia
- Houseplant of the Week: Burro's Tail
- Houseplant of the Week: Frizzle Sizzle
- Houseplant of the Week: The 'Sensitive' Plant
- Houseplant of the Week: Arrowhead Plant
- Houseplant of the Week: String of Hearts
- Houseplant of the Week: String of Dolphins
- Houseplant of the Week: Pilea Depressa (Baby's tears)
- Houseplant of the Week: The Parlour Palm
- Houseplant of the Week: Bamboo or Lady Palm
- Houseplant of the Week: Areca Palm
- Coffee Arabica
- Misti's Blog
- You Still Need to Water in Winter
- Boost Your Brainpower with Houseplants & Coffee Shops
- Unique Houseplant Workshops!
- Monsoon Season Garden Care
- Container Shrubs
- Tomato Troubles
- Tomatopalooza!
- Celebrating Mother's Day
- Believe It or Not, It's Spring
- Early Season Edible: Seed Potatoes!
- Soil: the Foundation of Your Garden
- Planting from Seeds
- Hanging with Houseplants
- Holiday Gift Tips from Warner's Nursery
- Guest Blog: Gardening for Mental Health at Killip Elementary
- Time to Winterize
- Fabulous Fall Foliage
- SOS for Blood - Please give on 9/15
- 5 Easy Peasy Houseplants
- A Perfect Plant Partnership
- Creating A Special Space in Your Garden
- 'Bee' Kind to Our Pollinators
- Our Commitment to Community
- Warm Season Veggies
- Perfect Perennials
- Spring Prep After a Long Winter
- Looking for a Happier, Healthier 2023? Try Houseplants.
- The Diversity of December's Celebrations
- Propagating Indoor Plants
- Holiday Paperwhites
- Time for Winter Prep
- Planting Spring Blooming Bulbs
- Late Summer Container Gardening
- The Joy of Other Gardens
- The Birds & the Bees (& the Butterflies)
- Save a Life on Friday, July 1
- Gardening with Native Plants
- Critter-Resistant Gardening
- Tomatoes & Your Health
- The Beauty of Raised Beds
- Build a Healthy Garden Soil
- Gardening for Mental & Physical Fitness
- Bare Root Plants
- Getting Ready for Spring by Pruning
- Root Camp: Gardening as a Team Sport
- Terrarium Fun!
- Planning Now for Veggie Garden Success
- 4 Generations of Gardening
- Gardening Resolutions for the New Year
- Water in winter? Yes, please.
- Cut or Potted Christmas Tree? We Have Both.
- Unique Plants for Home (or Gifts)
- 7 Ways to Celebrate Fall
- Fall Tree Planting
- Embracing the Last Days of Summer
- Rainwater Harvesting
- The Rewards of Growing Your Veggies
- Warm Season Veggies
- Outdoor DĆ©cor Ideas
- Pruning for Garden Health
- Bulbs, Bulbs, Bulbs
- Saying 'I Love You' with Flowering Plants
- Winter is for the Birds
- The Trees are coming (and they're flying)!
- Locals 4 Locals
- Making Time for Indoor Plants
- Trees & Bulb & Mums, Oh My!
- Warner's Kids' Club is Back!
- A Very Special Blood Drive
- Mushrooms: Good or Bad?
- Pollinators Need Us (and we need them)
- Finding 'Normal' in the Garden
- Watering Well
- Gardening Sustainability: The Greener Good
- What Mom Wants this Year
- Take Time to Reconnect with Nature
- A Bright Spot this Spring
- Stop Treating Your Soil Like Dirt
- Frosty Times
- Fall Gardening: So Much to Do!
- Savoring the Last Moments of Summer
- The Most Common Watering Questions
- Oh, Hail No!
- Making the Most of Monsoon Season
- Attracting the Wildlife You Want
- Misti's Blog: Summertime is magic
- Celebrating Earth Day
- Planting It Forward
- Our Commitment to Schools and Education
- Looking for a Few Good Team Members
- Spring is Coming!
- Go Green in '19
- Getting Ready for the New Year
- Making the Holidays a Little Merrier
- The Great Christmas Tree Debate
- The Story Behind Dottie's Garden Coffee Shoppe
- Time to Celebrate Fall
- Warner's on Wheels
- Hooray for Houseplants
- Getting Ready for Fall!
- Summer: It Ain't Over Til It's Over
- Slowing Down to Enjoy the Summer
- Our Kitten & Puppy Crew
- Using Color in Your Garden
- Falling in Love - with Tomatoes
- Mom: Best Job Title Ever
- Spring Has Sprung
- Hello and Welcome to My First Blog
- News
- Seminars