Ferti•Lome – A Solution for Every Part of Your Garden
Warner’s Nursery is proud to feature Natural Guard Horticultural Oil, in both the 16-ounce concentrate and 32-ounce ready-to-spray hose-end versions.
This is part of the Ferti-Lome family of products that you can find in our garden center.
Use on roses, flowers, fruits, vegetables, houseplants and trees. This product will control: Adelgids, Aphids, Mites, Leafhoppers, Mealybugs, Scale, Psyllids, Immature Plant Bugs, Sawfly Larvae and Whiteflies.
Kills all stages of insects, including eggs. Use as a dormant and growing season insect spray. Avoid applications when plants are under moisture stress, such as during drought. Always read and follow label directions.