One of the great things about being in a gardening business in Northern Arizona is the talented horticulture experts you get to work with. We truly value our relationships with other gardening organizations, and one of our most special partnerships is with the Coconino Master Gardeners Association.
The association is part of the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, a statewide network of knowledgeable faculty and staff that provides lifelong educational programs for all Arizonans.
The Master Gardener program’s volunteers provide free science-based horticulture information for our region, including data and guides on plant selection, insects, plant diseases, planting, pruning, irrigating, fertilizing, and more. They are probably best know for their program to train new Master Gardeners, a 15-week course, followed by 50 hours of volunteer gardening work to become certified.
But you don’t need to to become a Master Gardener yourself in order to benefit from the extension program’s expertise. Coconino Master Gardeners are our partners in Root Camp, Gardening 101 series, providing more than a dozen excellent one-hour seminars throughout the spring and summer for our customers.
Later this month, Coconino Master Gardeners will be hosting its annual Garden Tour, a chance to view and learn from the creators of seven beautiful vegetable, flower and native plant gardens around Flagstaff. The self-guided tour will be from 10 am to 4 pm on Saturday, August 12.
Tickets for the tour will be sold from 9 am to Noon at Warner’s Nursery the day of event. Tickets are $15 and all proceeds will benefit the Coconino Master Gardener Association community grants. (You can also buy tickets on EventBrite, but the ticket cost is $17.85 to cover processing fees).
We hope you will take advantage of this unique event, and avail yourself of the terrific programs that the Coconino Master Gardener Association provides, including their classes here at Warner’s Nursery.