Spring is coming.
We can feel it in the nursery. It’s more than the fact that we’ve stocked up on seeds and soil and everything gardeners need to get ready for a new season. It’s a feeling of excitement. The days are getting longer, they’ll get warmer (eventually), and before you know it, we’ll be outdoors planting, cultivating and enjoying the fruits of our labors.
I know that some of you might be reading this who don’t feel confident about your gardening abilities. Maybe you tried gardening in the past and it didn’t work out. Because for all the rewards of gardening – and there are many – it sometimes can be a challenge, particularly in northern Arizona.
Poor soil. Persistent drought. A short growing season. Javelinas, for goodness sakes!
But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.
While many of us enjoy gardening as a solo activity, we at Warner’s like to think of it more as a team sport, particularly when you are new at it. We believe you’ll get the most out of your time cultivating the earth if you have coaches and fellow gardeners cheering you on and sharing their wisdom and experience.
Beginning next month, we’ll be offering that team spirit through Warner’s Root Camp, a Gardening 101 series of classes to help you build up your skills in the garden. These 15 free sessions will be offered on Saturdays at 10 am from March to July. There are classes on understanding your soil, how to plant from seed, container gardening, installing a drip irrigation system, building the perfect garden to attract pollinators, hydroponics and much more.
You can see the full list of classes here.
We are very pleased that almost all of our 2022 Root Camp classes will be led by certified Master Gardeners, people who have undergone extensive education and training through the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension program.
These Root Camp experts will give you invaluable tips and tools you need for gardening success. And they aren’t the only members of your gardening “squad.” Our Warner’s employees are also on hand every day to answer your questions and provide guidance; just give us a call or visit us down at the nursery.
Working together, we think we can provide you with a winning gardening season this year.
Go team!
Happy Gardening,