Spring tends to sneak up on me.
I was thinking about this while I was watering my perennials this weekend.
It’s such a changeable season here in Flagstaff. We enjoy warm, flower-friendly weather for a few days and then – whoosh – spring suddenly disappears in a rush of wind, cold temps and even the occasional snow flurry.
So when I finally start to see new buds and leaves on my garden plants it fills me with a sense of hope for the season.
I know most people think of fall as the time to reflect and be grateful, but for me it’s spring. Not just because of the excitement of all of my plants surviving (especially after this harsh, dry winter!), but because I know I’ll be seeing you soon.
Winter is a slow and quiet time at the nursery. There’s only about six of us working in the nursery during the off-season, getting the inventory done, doing building improvements and planning for the upcoming season.
But then you start to arrive – just like the new buds and leaves – and that’s when spring really begins for us. I’m so grateful to you when I see you – familiar faces and newbies coming by on those first warm days, checking out what’s in stock and chatting with us about your plans for your gardens.
I know spring in Flagstaff sometimes makes it seem like gardening is impossible. But I was always taught that you don’t get what you wish for; you get what you work for, and the things that you work for the hardest give you the biggest reward.
That’s how I think of gardening in Flagstaff.  Difficult but worth it, and when spring finally shows up (and sticks around!), it’s like Mother Nature is giving us hope for the season to come.
Happy Gardening!