Waxy and dramatic, the show-stopping heart-shaped flowers of anthurium (also known as laceleaf, flamingo flower or painter’s palette) are a wonderful addition to your home.
These plants are often used as centerpieces on tables or dining rooms. However, your anthurium might do really well in your kitchen or bathroom, as they love humidity.
Anthurium thrive in bright, indirect light. You can have them in low-lit areas and the foliage will do well, but they won’t flower. They are not particularly fussy about feeding (general fertilizer every few months is a good idea), and they like their soil moist but not wet. Only water when the top inch has dried out. Anthuriums also love having peat moss or coco-coir in their pots.
Like many of the plants featured in this column, anthurium is another great air purifier for your home.