Philodendron ‘Ring of Fire’

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Philodendron ‘Ring of Fire’ is another bright and beautiful hybrid from the philodendron family. As the plant matures, its lobed variegated leaves turn different colors that can run from different shades of green to yellow, orange, and even a deep red.

It’s given to vining or climbing, meaning you have lots of different ways you can display this plant.

Here are some guidelines when cultivating your plant:

Light: Like most philodendron, Ring of Fire likes bright indirect light to maintain its variegation. Too much direct sunlight and you might scorch the leaves, while too little light might reduce the vibrancy of its colors.

Water: A tropical plant, philodendrons enjoy water in moderation. In the spring and summer, keep the top inch of soil moist to the touch, but starting in September, cut back and allow the soil to dry out a bit between waterings.

Soil: A good, fast-draining soil is best. You don’t want your plant sitting in water. A mix of perlite, peat moss, and orchid bark is a good way to maintain the balance between retaining moisture and providing good drainage.

Temperature/Humidity: Ring of Fire likes warmth and humidity. A humidifier, pebble tray or daily misting can make your plant happier. Protect it from cold drafts by keeping it away from vents or air conditioners.